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Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2017

ROSARY SOL: New Cryptocurrency starting tomorrow- by Archbishop LORD Dr. Uwe AE. ROSENKRANZ


New Cryptocurrency starting tomorrow-

 by Archbishop LORD Dr. Uwe AE. ROSENKRANZ


      Tomorrow, 15th Dec. 2017 another ethernet currency pops up. But wait and see how this is related to    environment! 

Thank You!

You have been whitelisted for the 30% discounted Pre-Sale round.

Envion will be sending you a weekly newsletter to keep you updated on the developments of the ICO.  In addition, we will be sending you the final documentation outlining the necessary steps for token purchase for the ICO before December 15th. 


This is what envion is all about: We make mining green & mobile!
Based on low-price energy from solar & wind farms in remote locations, cutting-edge technology made in Germany we bring to the blockchain community anexciting new form of smart mining -  Community orientated with 100% of mining profits going to token holders.
Feel free to join our Telegram-Group at https://t.me/Envion and share our exciting project with your friends:

→ Read our Press-Release ←
Click here to download our detailed WHITEPAPER
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Envion ICO Pre-Sale

The envion ICO will start with a pre-sale round 
(30% discount on the EVN Token for 48h only) on

December 15th, at 12 PM GMT at Envion.org 

Please click here to add a calender invite to your smartphone.
The eight great facts about envion:
  1. 100% mining profits for token holders:  First ICO where 100% of the profits from world-wide mining operations go directly to the token holders.
  2. Voting rights for token holders: To truly decentralize mining, we must not only directly give the profits to token holders but also give the community voting rights: introducing smart contract based voting on key points.
  3. Lowest cost of energy: Our Mobile Mining Units (MMUs) are 100% mobile and can be placed where energy is cheapest: right at the source.We are able to exploit short- to medium-term energy opportunities by placing MMUs in regions with cost-free energy overcapacity.
  4. Smart green energy: The price of solar and other forms of regenerative energy have plummeted over the last years. Our MMUs are 100% designed to be placed directly next to solar or wind parks and use their energy without line losses.
  5. Smart low-cost cooling: We have developed a revolutionary, patentedself-regulating new cooling system from scratch that we have specially designed for the blockchain mining industry.
  6. Envion hard- & software: We have spent considerable resources, developing key components in-house: from circuit boards for remote management, own operating systems for miners to Java-based middleware and cloud applications.
  7. Lowest risk mining: Our mobile mining units reduce the dependency on single government's, energy price spikes from energy providers and single cryptocurrencies.
  8. Industry 4.0 automation: Our mobile mining units are designed and built to operate at remote locations (“industry 4.0”) near energy sources such as solar plants, wind turbines or hydropower plants.
  9. Low maintenance: Software-defined maintenance workflows (“there is an app for that”) coupled with clear focus on remote maintenance of our modular plug & play mining racks & units reduce cost of operation and allow for use of unskilled labor onsite.

  10. FOR MORE DETAILS PLS. click on this button:
Click button above!

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